Over 80 MERLYN employees took to the streets every day last month as part of the Pink Ribbon Foundation’s #WalkaMileaDayinMay campaign. Company sponsorship and committed personal fundraising saw MERLYN’s team bring in over £3,500, raising awareness as well as vital funds for their breast cancer charity partner.

Many employees went the extra mile, gathering their own sponsorship from friends and family and running or walking over three miles a day.

Lisa Allen, Pink Ribbon’s Head of Corporate Partnership, Events and PR visited the MERLYN HQ in Kilkenny, Ireland to speak to staff about the importance of breast cancer checks, and joined them for the first MERLYN Mile.

“The partnership and campaigns like this are really important because we’re helping people be breast aware, and we’re raising much needed funds for local charities too.”  Lisa Allen, Head of Corporate Partnership, Events and PR, The Pink Ribbon Foundation.

To support the Kilkenny community, MERLYN’s fundraising will be donated Cois Nore, a local cancer support charity who’s breast cancer group currently help around 150 local people affected by the illness.  “It’s a cause that’s close to all our hearts here at MERLYN and we think it’s vital to keep awareness and funding up all year round, not just in breast cancer awareness month” Eileen Slattery, Marketing Manager, MERLYN.

“It is fantastic to see a local business like MERLYN taking the initiative to raise funds to help support the people of Kilkenny who are living with cancer and their families. The funds raised will be used to support breast cancer initiatives.” Mary Dolan, Manager, Cois Nore.

The #WalkaMileaDayinMay activity is just one way MERLYN show their support to the Foundation. Last year the #MySanctuary campaign aligned MERLYN’s offer and the Foundation’s main message – showing how in the shower is the perfect time and place for women to check their breasts. And earlier this year MERLYN painted breasts on a shower screen at kbb Birmingham, catching people’s attention and getting them talking.

Breast Cancer Facts

  • Almost two-thirds of women diagnosed with breast cancer today now survive their disease beyond 20 years.
  • Awareness is vital because early detection increases the chances of fighting and surviving the disease.
  • Breast Cancer Now reports “Almost half (47%) of women in the UK do not check their breasts regularly for potential signs of breast cancer.”
  • According to a YouGov survey commissioned by Breast Cancer Now, one in 10 women have ‘never checked their breasts for new or unusual changes’.

This is a cause that’s close to all our hearts here at MERLYN and we think it’s vital to keep awareness and funding up all year round

Eileen Slattery, Marketing Manager, MERLYN