Recently, the Pink Ribbon Foundation had the pleasure of filming with Leigh, Nicola and Brian on the Hope for Tomorrow charity cancer care mobile unit in Dover with Two chics Media / Talking Pulse Media. Filming was part of our new 25th anniversary video and although it was a grey and drizzly day, it was warm and cosy on the unit, where we were greeted by the friendly nurses with tea and biscuits.
Hope for Tomorrow provides mobile cancer care units for NHS trusts to enable them to treat cancer patients closer to where they live. The units allow the NHS to drive out to patients, saving them long, regular, and often disruptive journeys to hospital for their cancer treatment.
With close to 70% of patients saying that they can tolerate their treatment better on a mobile cancer care unit and over half saying that it improved their chances of completing their full course of treatment, we got to see firsthand how, a grant from the Pink Ribbon Foundation really makes a difference.
"My treatment on the mobile unit couldn’t be more different. It has now become a part of my normal routine and overall, it is relatively stress free.
It seems less of a big thing going to the mobile unit for my treatment. Somehow, the unit manages to normalise it."
Anne Steel, patient
This is what the Pink Ribbon Foundation does and has been doing for 25 years - supporting breast cancer charities across the UK and helping them to provide valuable front-line services to those who lives have been impacted by breast cancer.
(Was sorry to miss Dennis and Pat who are also part of the Hope for Tomorrow team ... looking forward to seeing you next time!)
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