Reduce your risk of breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK – but the good news is, over a quarter of breast cancer cases are preventable. Studies suggest that if you take precautionary measures to adopt a healthier lifestyle your risk of developing breast cancer could be significantly reduced.
Why do people get breast cancer?
There are lots of reasons why, though there is still much we don’t know. Many factors are important, including genetic make-up, age, gender, lifestyle, diet and environment. How can I reduce my risk? There are some things you can’t directly control, your genetic make-up and your age for example. Other stuff you can do something about.
Why do I need to take action now?
Though women of any age can benefit from taking steps to reduce their risk, the younger you are when you start the better. Because as you grow older your risk of developing the disease increases. Is it hard to make a real difference? It may be easier than you think. No one’s expecting you to be squeaky clean all the time. The trick is to size-up your general risk and then think about how you can make the most impact. You may be surprised at the other perks that come with changing aspects of your life.
Breast Cancer UK have devised an online QUIZ where you can answer simple lifestyle questions, assess your current risk of breast cancer and learn ways to reduce this risk.