Serves 2 


1 large or 2 small pears, sliced

4 fresh figs, quartered 

100g feta cheese, crumbled

100g rocket leaves

3 tbsps pomegranate seeds

2 tbsps walnuts, roughly chopped

2 tbsps pistachios, roughly chopped



2 tbsps white balsamic or apple cider vinegar 

1 tbsp dijon mustard

1 tbsp honey

pinch of sea salt

4 tbsps the Governor Extra Virgin Olive Oil 



1. Make the dressing by whisking all the ingredients together in a small bowl. Set aside.

2. Heat a griddle pan to a medium heat

3. Brush the pear slices with olive oil and add to the pan, cook for 3 minutes on each side

4. Place the rocket in your serving bowl, drizzle over a little of the dressing and toss. Top with the figs,nuts, pears, feta, and pomegranate seeds. Drizzle over the remaining dressing. 

Buy your Governor EVOO here: