01689 858877

Joined 3 years ago


Total Raised So Far

  • Natalie's Total Fundraising Target Progress

Natalie's Fundraising Pages
Natalie Nicolaou
  • £2,741 Raised of Target (£500)

Natalie's Updates

Keep up-to-date on Natalie's progress!

Weekend strolls

My first full week of exercising and I feel good!! This weekend I walked a total of 5 hours over 2 days and it was so worth it. Lots of calories burned, energy levels up and by the end of it sore legs!

Today was my penultimate session of radiotherapy, one more to go and I'm done!! 20 sessions down and one to complete 🙌🏼🙌🏼 

My home workout provided by Genesis Care included a little bit of upper body and legs focused. No doubt I'll have DOMS tomorrow but I'm glad I completed it✅

Tomorrow is a virtual Pilates class.. will post an update midweek.

Sending love, healing and health all around the world🥰 CANT THANK EVERYONE ENOUGH FOR MY DONATIONS❤️❤️

Weekend strolls
Natalie Nicolaou - Posted 3 years ago
Home workout & walk

7 days in!!! Woop! Today I did a 20 minute home workout which consisted on rebuilding my upper body strength and abs. Definitely have DOMS from yesterday's Pilates but feeling good! Also took Gio for a 40 minute walk and it was 0 degrees. BRING ON THE SNOW!


Home workout & walk
Natalie Nicolaou - Posted 3 years ago
Puggle Pilates

7 full days of exercises.. completed it!!! Feeling strong (also achy) from all of the different classes/woodland walks and stretches I've been completing ✅🥳

Today we (gio supervised) did a full body Pilates class as you can see from the concentration on my face (IT WAS HARD). 

Feeling the love from everyone's donations, messages and support! Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart ❤️

Stay well, 

Nat xx

Puggle Pilates
Natalie Nicolaou - Posted 3 years ago

Recent Supporters

Romel Miah
Good luck Natalie! Love everyone at Day of the Raj
Donated to Natalie Nicolaou
Natalie Nicolaou
Elias Pashialis
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Good luck Natalie!
Donated to Natalie Nicolaou
Natalie Nicolaou
Zena Branco
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Good luck Natalie!
Donated to Natalie Nicolaou
Natalie Nicolaou
E Georgiou
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
You smashed it Nat!
Donated to Natalie Nicolaou
Natalie Nicolaou
Elle karatzas
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Good luck Natalie!
Donated to Natalie Nicolaou
Natalie Nicolaou