01689 858877

Joined 4 months ago


Total Raised So Far

  • Bryony's Total Fundraising Target Progress

Bryony's Fundraising Pages
Pilates By Bryony Walk for Breast Cancer
  • £820 Raised of Target (£1,000)

Bryony's Updates

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Recent Supporters

Bryony Deery
£285 + £71.25 Gift Aid
Great to see everyone and to be able to raise money for such an important cause
Shannon Speller
£5 + £1.25 Gift Aid
Sad I couldn’t make the walk but it looked like a lovely day for a great cause 🩷
Soherra Mirza
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Sorry we couldn’t make it today… well done for organising for a worthy cause 🎀✨🙏🏽 Soherra & Zand xx
Dupe Ekhaese
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Wish I could have been there. Great cause 🩷
Alan Deery
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Good luck Bryony!