The Pink Ribbon Foundation is proud to support the @Scannappeal who fundraise to provide state of the art medical equipment for hospitals in the Buckingham area. The photo below shows two senior mammographers with the new 3D breast biopsy system with lateral arm accessory. This went operational late last year and the staff are enthusiastic about the difference it has already made to patients, helping to identify very small cancers at a much earlier stage.
The Superintendent Radiographer in the integrated Breast Unit had this to say:
“The new breast biopsy guidance system has already had a huge impact. We are able to perform biopsies on 2 patients at the same time. This means that the patients do not have to wait as long on the same day or for future bookings and we are giving a much better experience to our patients. For example, at yesterday’s clinic we had one doctor but as we were able to set the second room up with the new system, we could start the second procedure 30 mins sooner than we could have done with only one system as we would have had to wait to transfer the equipment from the first room. This meant the second lady did not have to sit and worry for as long as would have happened in the past. Apart from the speed with which patients can be treated, 3D technology enables accurate placement of the biopsy needle and the lateral arm means biopsies can be carried out on almost every area of the breast, increasing the chance of getting an accurate diagnosis, particularly for very small cancers.’
Your support of the Pink Ribbon Foundation allows us to make a huge difference to the lives of many people affected by breast cancer all over the UK. Thank you!
#scannappeal #breastcancer #pinkribbonfoundation #grantgiving #charitytuesday