'Fishing for Life' is an organisation which provides free fly fishing sessions for people who all have one thing in common – breast cancer. Meetings are held every month at lakes over the South West, Greater Manchester, Gloucester/Worcester, Dorset and Berkshire where the scenery is beautiful all the year round.
On the 26 March Jonathan and Lisa had the pleasure of visiting the lovely ladies at Barn Elms Fly Fishery in Berkshire to witness first hand the wonderful environment which provides members new and old with gentle and relaxing exercise - which can help to relieve the effects of Lymphedema. It's not hard to see how new friendships are made with like-minded people who have had similar experiences with breast cancer and who can support each other in a non medical / counselling setting. The lake is a stunning place and it is easy to see how people get hooked (pardon the pun).
The #fishingforlife sessions are provided free of charge, thanks to the help of the South West Lakes Trust, Bristol Waters, various fisheries, small grants from local authorities and grant making trusts such as the Pink Ribbon Foundation. Fundraising is also undertaken by a very committed group of volunteers at Wimbleball, Exmoor, the founder group, where their Head Office is based.
Time spent on the lakes is a time to relax and have some special ME time. Families and partners are welcome to come along and support but the fishing is just for the members. However, everyone is welcome to tea and biscuits at the end of the session - and if you're lucky someone will bring in some homemade cake too!)
Activities such as this would not be able to go ahead without the wonderful qualified coaches and volunteers who give up their time, fisheries who offer their facilities for the monthly meetings and various grants and donations. The Pink Ribbon Foundation is delighted to support these sessions and wholly commends all those involved for making a huge to those going affected by breast cancer.
For more information visit: